Nutrition Consultation Services.

Are you tired of not feeling well, and not getting anywhere in your health pursuits? Are you exhausted by all of the information out there, without a clue of what to do?

Nutrition Consultation Services

Are you tired of not feeling well, and not getting anywhere in your health pursuits? Are you exhausted by all of the information out there, without a clue of what to do?

This is a good place to start!

Elements of your diet could actually be causing your fatigue, general lack of health, inflammation, and many other symptoms/diagnosis.

Discover the foods that do and do not support your body and mind to function at its highest potential. We were created to HEAL and BE WELL!

I use a whole foods approach.

What are whole foods? These are foods that naturally exist in nature and don’t require a food label. Our body knows how to use them properly when we eat them. They promote hormone balance, are not addicting, and support a healthy body and brain. Examples: meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, eggs, herbs and spices.

What can my whole food approach help address?

  • Incorporating a whole/natural foods lifestyle
  • Family nutrition and meal planning
  • Organics and GMO’s
  • Food allergies/intolerances
  • General health and wellness
  • Food cravings and sugar addiction
  • Weight loss/weight gain
  • Insulin resistance and diabetes
  • Inflammation
  • Nutrition for pregnancy, breastfeeding, and postpartum
  • Digestive issues: crohn’s, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, gas, constipation, bloating, reflux
  • Cholesterol issues, high blood pressure, heart disease
  • Skin issues like acne, rosacea and psoriasis
  • More…ask me!

I think that my husband has seen a huge change in me. We have a happier, healthier marriage because I am happier and I’m healthier.

Brianne, Client


Initial Consultation: $375/1.5-2 hrs
Includes nutrition assessment and plan, Bioimpedance Analysis (BIA) - a body composition and cellular health test with review, a binder and folder with information and recipes to bring with you to following appointments.

Follow Up Consultations: $125/hr

Follow Up Phone Appointment: $75/20 min

Follow Up BIA-test with Review: $175/hr

Lab Review Appointment: $375 (2 hour analysis with 1 hour in-person appointment)
Labs are needed 1 week before appointment.

Supplement Review Appointment: $187.50 (1.5 hr analysis with email sent for list of supplements to order)
I will review your current supplements, put together a plan, then email it to you.

A passion for life expressed in the form of people and food, Lindsey Jones brings vitality and excitement to food and nutrition.

Meridith, Friend

Grocery Tours

$250/1.5 hrs

New clients will go on a grocery tour to help them discover cooking tips, food products, and more, to live a healthy lifestyle.

Includes an email with links to all of the products and more that we review on the tour for your recall and/or for ordering.

Email and Links Only: $50

Employee Wellness Programs/Classes

Cost: Quotes available upon request

Interactive and fun group education with options of food tasting/cooking.

Lindsey is an awesome teacher. She is very patient and helpful. She works well with groups and knows her stuff inside and out.

Mike Cooper, Stimson Lumber Company

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YUM! Yes, please! Send me your weekly menu.

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